Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We'll find our way: Ode to my beloved friends, of past, present and future

At 20, I still haven't really figured out what should I do in my life. I have plans but I haven't decided on what to do. In a few months I should be waving goodbye to my University life, and hopefully, enter the world of the Unknown-- some real soil and some real air-- and so they call it Real World.

I hate to be attached with anybody since letting go seems harder each day. Watching them leave can tear me into pieces. Knowing that they're a thousand miles away feels like my stomach is about to eat my heart, or something to that effect.

I'd love to know that they're doing fine and that once in a while, they think about me, or at the very least, my memory passes by their thought. It's not a pat on my back, neither it is something that I am going to be proud of but I know, when that happens, I'm just going to smile and sigh.

Coming, passing by and leaving life is but a fact but somehow staying feels so much better than leaving a trail. In as much as I would like to keep close ties, constant communication and physical contact with everybody, my physical limitation and the law of impenetrability says that I cannot accommodate everybody all at the same time. Therefore, I need to tidy up some space for new comers and those who left that would like to return, hoping that one day, the space reserved will be taken upon.

I have high hopes for you, your dreams and your future, even higher than my pride and self-expectations.

You know who you are and I hope you would be able to read this.

If tomorrow the doors of the Real World opens for me, I hope to see you there. I know, we'll find our way.

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